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R. K. Hegde wins a small victory against the dissidents and pulls his favourite ‘resignation’ stunt again. If 28 March had been the day of the dissidents in Karnataka, 3 July unexpectedly belonged to the loyalists. In March, the Janata rebels had nearly spiked the elections of the party candidates to the Rajya Sabha. View […]
Jul 12, 1988
We may know Rohini Nilekani as the wife of one of India’s most successful entrepreneurs and for her tireless good works. But was life always this struggle-free? Here she reveals what being a mother means to her and why she fears for her children’s future. View PDF
May 21, 2008
Strategic Philanthropy
Civil Society
This year marks 30 years since philanthropist-author Rohini Nilekani started her journey in civic engagement. She started with Nagarik, a public charitable trust, in 1992 and is now the Chairperson of Rohini Nilekani Philanthropies and Director of EkStep, a non-profit education platform. She is the Co-founder and Former Chairperson of Arghyam, a foundation she set […]
Aug 23, 2022
The rough edges of psychiatric rehabilitation are continuously being chipped away and this can be to everyone’s benefit, observes Rohini Nilekani. View PDF
May 15, 1993